
Compilation Instructions

The code can be found here: https://codeberg.org/x11cp/x11cp.git

git clone https://codeberg.org/x11cp/x11cp.git && cd x11cp/src/xdotclock

Direct compilation

To compile this application, the following command should be used:

./configure && make

Toplevel Makefile

There is also a wrapper command in the top-level `Makefile` of the repository where this is can be run as:

make xdotclock


xdotclock draws a digital clock from a series of dots. It does this using nothing more than xlib.

The README highlights the following:

It runs in both 12 hour and 24 hour modes and is somewhat configurable.  You
can display the clock in arbitrary colors or have it continuously shift
colors, control the speed at which the particles move around and the size of
the particles.

To get this to compile, the GCC flag of -m486 had to be removed as this is no longer supported.

What’s interesting here though is the effect that has on the cycling between colours. That’s now very fast, and although you can control that with the -speed option to introduce a delay, this isn’t now working, since the CPU power has increased so much since the 486, that I’m going to have to modify the code to bring this option inline with more modern hardware.

The green clock is meant to represent the cycling between colours – and don’t get me wrong, it does work, it’s just fast!
